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1 in 500 men are born with
Klinefelter syndrome/47 XXY, only 35%
will receive a diagnosis.

Living with XXY is here to change the way the world learns about XXY

"The Stigmas of the past will not take away the voices of future" - Ryan Bregante

Our Mission

We provide a platform for those with Klinefelter syndrome/ 47 XXY to understand they are not alone. While spreading much-needed awareness worldwide, we also offer a safe space for individuals to share their stories and create lifelong friendships.

We continue to focus on our community’s successes and positive traits wirls understanding the challenges Providing helpful resources & sharing real the stores across the spectrun we spire individuals and famties to reach and exceed thee full potential while maximizing their quality of life

What is XXY

The presence of the extra X chromosomes may affect a broad range of conditions.


Resources & Support for XXY with hope and undersanding through challenging times.


Beyond the typical monetary donations. Every contribution or gift makes a difference.

What's new?


From pregnancy to learning disabilties, resources for overcoming challenges.


Resources, guides and stories of successful adults Living with XXY. 


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